At Häxberget, 71 people were executed on 1 June 1675. 65 women (every 5th woman in Torsåker's pastorate), 2 men and 4 boys. The women were accused of witchery and sleeping with the devil at Blåkulla. When a woman was accused of being a witch, she had to point out who taught her about witchcraft which led to more and more accusations. During the interrogations they were often refused to sleep, otherwise the devil could come to their minds.
Young fanatical men working as priests were convinced to purge their congregations of the devil. They were eager to start their work and conducted the witch hunt in their strong beliefs of doing the right thing.
In the north of Sweden the priests used children as witnesses. Without knowing the consequences of the accusations children started to see the witnessing as a game for their fantasies, making up stories of being brought to Blåkulla by the witches during the night. Some children who refused to carry on the accusations were tortured by the priests to bring information.
This time is known as the witch hysteria/Det stora oväsendet. It was the biggest homicide in Sweden during peacetime.